Samuel Ting Science Cafe

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 7:30—8:30 PM

Professor Samuel Ting, a renowned physicist, will be having a conversation about his ground-breaking discoveries and how they are helping us learn about the makeup of our Cosmos. If you want to ask Dr. Ting a question, please fill in the form on the right to ask a potential question. The community will be choosing the top 2 questions to ask him. To register for the event, you can click on the picture below.

Click the picture to register

Community Building

Our goal with this event is to promote community, specifically the Lexington Asian American community. We want to give the community an opportunity to connect with Professor Samuel Ting, and would appreciate it if you could submit questions you'd like to ask Professor Samuel Ting. Within a week, we will ask the community to vote on the two best questions to ask Profesor Ting, which he will answer during his talk.

About Professor Samuel Ting

Professor Ting is a world-renowned particle physicist and MIT Professor of Physics. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1976, which he shared with Burton Richter, for the discovery of the J/ψ meson particle.

Professor Ting currently leads the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment on the International Space Station, searching for the origins of antimatter, dark matter and cosmic rays.

Our team: David Zhao(team leader), Jaden Leung, Audi Lin, Neil Lin, Katerina Lung